What Happens to My Body During a Car Accident?

Your body wasn't designed to deal with the forces that occur in a car accident. If you think about it, the fastest hit you’ve ever seen in a football game is just 20 to 25 miles per hour.
Can you imagine?
If the Usaine Bolt at a dead sprint goes 28 miles per hour. Have you ever driven behind someone who was going 28 miles per hour and thought, “why are they going so slow”?
Even though modern cars have an array of safety features, the damage from an accident can range from small aches to life-changing injuries.
The force that both your vehicle and body absorb while driving along the road is known as kinetic energy.
Your vehicle has been carefully built to displace the (kinetic) energy that occurs during an accident. However, no matter what type of car you have, your body will still absorb some of the impact.
Safety Features
Thank goodness, over the decade’s, engineers have worked hard to make sure that your car has array of safety features that absolutely save lives.
But, because of the limitations of matter, damage from an accidents still occur, and can range from small aches and pains to absolutely life-changing injuries.
The force that both your vehicle and body absorb while driving along the road is called kinetic energy and your vehicle has been carefully built to displace the (kinetic) energy that occurs during an accident.
However, no matter what type of car you have, your body will still absorb some of the impact. And these powerful forces during an impact can cause injuries to your body.
Some of the most common injuries we find after a crash are shoulder injuries, knee injuries, head impacts and whiplash.
It has been reported that 25% of all auto accidents are associated with Whiplash.
If you’re a responsible adult you are wearing a seatbelt in the car, and seatbelts can cause their own injuries, but that’s the payoff for saving your life.
Your seatbelt stops your body’s mass from moving forward if you are rear ended in a collision.
However, your head and neck get thrown back from the impact and then rebound by flexing forward.
This is also called a snap-through buckling, and it very commonly injures the tendons and ligaments in your neck and can cause severe pain.
The good news is we have helped hundreds of people over the years suffering with whiplash injuries get out of pain and back to normal.
Hitting Close to Home
This one hits close to home for me.
Today we’re talking about head impact injuries that happen during a car accident.
A head on crash and your head might collide with the steering wheel or airbag. This can result in concussions, headaches, head or face injuries.
What we don’t hear about as much is when a side impact causes the head to hit the side window.
Years ago, this type of impact took the life of someone I knew, and when someone is lost, it is forever.
This holiday season, I would humbly ask that we all take responsibility for our fellow man, and for ourselves.
Please, drive sober this season.
The Most Crucial First Step After a Car Accident
To wrap up the week, I really wanted to take a minute to encourage you.
The most crucial first step after a car accident is to be evaluated by a medical professional.
At the scene of the crash, your adrenaline is pumping, and you may not feel any pain or discomfort because of a state of shock.
However, many people wake up the next day, experiencing pain. It may take as long as three days to feel the full brunt of their injuries.
If you've experienced pain as a result of a crash, we would be happy to provide a full evaluation and help you take the first steps on the road to recovery.
See you next week!
Feel free to contact us with any questions at Backbone Wellness Institute for the best chiropractic experience
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